Sort of a boring post without pictures except…

Sort of a boring post without pictures except…

I’ve lost 102 pounds!!! And so that is not boring at all.

And now I’ll apologize for the boring parts. Because while I had intended a post with before/after pictures and spilled out thoughts about my weight loss journey. But there are no pictures and minimal thoughts to be shared tonight. We’ve had a fun St. Patrick’s Day…with green eggs & ham for breakfast, leprechaun lunches and green play dough. I’d like to promise a better update tomorrow…but it looks busy, too. So…less than a promise that I’ll have a better update tomorrow, k?

For now…I’ll say that I was pleasantly surprised to step on the scale this morning and discover that I had lost 9 pounds since I last officially weighed in (Friday, March 7). I had peeked at the scale last Wednesday because it had been one week since I began my Lenten fast from meat, dairy and sugar. I was curious to see how I was doing, although I typically do not weigh more than once a week. I was down about 5 pounds, putting me 2 pounds away from my 100 pound goal.

Unfortunately (fortunately?!) I was hit with a terrible stomach bug late Thursday night and I had to miss my official weigh in on Friday morning. And then…I had a crazy toothache/infected gum issue on Saturday/Sunday. Tummy bug plus toothache equals…major weight loss goal met!! Ha!!


And no, actually…2 pounds past my milestone. So I met my goal of 100 pounds lost and those other 2 pounds are just icing on the cake hummus on the carrot!

It is super fun to be able to say I’ve lost over ONE HUNDRED pounds. Of course that means I was overweight by more than one hundred pounds, too…which is not so fun. But I don’t tend to dwell on a negative past.

I’m proud of where I am today, how I’ve gotten here and where I’m headed. And I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow(ish)

Thanks for all the love & support you send to me…faithful family & friend blogreaders. And the internet strangers that happen upon my blog for one reason or another, I’m glad you’re here, too. Thanks for being my audience and cheering me on just by reading my words and liking my posts!

Pictures soon, pinky promise!!


It’s been a year since I got really serious about eating healthy.  Along the way I’ve discovered a few recipes that are healthy and tasty.  I’d love to blog more often about life in general, including my healthy lifestyle…but in general, my life gets pretty busy. : ) I’m posting links to some of my favorite (and most often requested) recipes so that I have an easy way to share.  Maybe some day I’ll get all fancy on my blog and post my recipes with my own pictures under a little tab called “recipes”…but until then this is what I’ve got!

Crock Pot Quinoa Chili
This has got to be one of the easiest recipes ever! Nothing to cook…just throw it all in the crock pot.  I’m not 100% vegan, but it’s easy to eat healthy meals when you leave out meat & cheese! So I’ve never made it with chicken, although I’m sure that would be yummy! I typically use vegetable broth instead of chicken broth.  It’s easy to keep all the ingredients on hand so you can make it anytime!

Sweet Potato & Black Bean Enchiladas
This recipe is a little more complicated…but it makes a ton and is super yummy! Plus, I feel like a real fancy cook when I make this.  I typically use Ezekiel tortillas to keep it clean and add a little more protein.

Refrigerator Oatmeal
I make up a whole bunch of these and then eat them throughout the week.  Blueberry is my favorite and I’d even eat it for an afternoon snack.  My kids like it, too…which is fantastic!

Apple Cinnamon Crock Pot Oatmeal
I love waking up to a warm, healthy breakfast that’s ready to eat!  Ok, mostly I love waking up with a crock pot full of healthy food for my kids so I don’t have to figure out what to feed them when they wake up and are STARVING! But really, this one is tasty…and if you add a tiny bit extra brown sugar and cook it just right…you can pretend it is apple crisp! (But I have not added vanilla ice cream on top…yet!)

Banana Protein Muffins
Protein, protein, protein! I like to eat 1 or 2 of these for breakfast, or an afternoon snack.  Protein after my morning workout is an absolute must if I’m gonna be worth anything the rest of the day.  I need protein in my breakfast (with some delicious black coffee) in order to stay awake all morning!  I usually add a tiny bit (like a 1/2 tsp) of almond butter on top to add a little extra flavor.  Also…they freeze well so I make a batch or two at a time and then just pop them in the microwave when I’m ready.

I hope these are helpful to you!  Let me know if you try anything!